
Celebration Education Homeschool is coming to Santa Ana!

August 17, 2017

A New Home for Homeschoolers
Homeschool families in Santa Ana now have more options to learn outside the home.

On Wednesday, August 23rd. Celebration Education is holding an open house for their new facility for homeschoolers in Santa Ana. It's a place that homeschoolers can go to for support, classes, and community.

Homeschooling is not new, but the way families homeschool their children is always evolving. Homeschoolers no longer need to do all their learning at home. Homeschool students today learn at weekly community classes and on field trips. They also spend time together at extra-curricular activities.

Since 2006, Celebration Education has been providing classes for homeschoolers in Southern California. Theirs is a non-traditional approach. This new facility in Santa Ana is called a โ€œLearning Bottega.โ€ A bottega is a workshop for apprentices to learn from master craftsmen โ€“ like the sort of place that Leonardo da Vinci would have learned from and worked in.

According to Celebration Education's Founder Heather Martinson, โ€œYou don't get something special by doing the same thing that everyone else does. Given the right environment and small student to teacher ratio, many of the tactics utilized in traditional schools can be replaced by more dynamic and memorable learning experiences. Textbooks, lectures and homework are replaced by real books, online learning, field trips, and projects. Learning becomes a grand adventure. Learning this way is quicker and the information is remembered for longer.โ€

All homeschool students are welcome at Celebration Education's Learning Bottega. Many of the students that come to Celebration Education's classes are enrolled in charter schools that provide funding for homeschoolers to take classes from Celebration Education.

The Learning Bottega open house is Wednesday, August 23rd, 10am until 3pm, with games, refreshments, and learning opportunities throughout the day.

Families with questions about homeschooling, the Learning Bottega, and the open house can visit or call (909) 446-5962